Quick Feature Detection in JavaScript

If you want to create an object that you can use to query features you can do so like this :-

const featureDetection = {
    hasFill: 'fill' in Array,
    hasFrom: 'from' in Array

console.log(featureDetection.hasFill) // true if Array has fill (ES2015)
console.log(featureDetection.hasFrom) // true if Array has from (ES2015)

    // handle the case where we can't use fill (i.e. polyfill)

    // handle the case where we can't use from (i.e. polyfill)

in returns true if the specified property is on the specified object (or it's prototype chain)

Of course, there are more standard ways of doing this like Modernizr or @babel/preset-env if you are feeling particulary fancy but I thought this was neat little use case when you don't want to bring in a heavy dependency.